Frequently Asked Questions


 Can I pay my Sewer/Refuse Bill online?

Yes.  You can pay your sewer/refuse bill online with a credit card.  The link below will take you to a portal where you can set up an account and pay by credit card. If you don't have access to a computer you can contact the Borough office for assistance.  To Pay Online click here.

 Can I put unwanted televisions or electronics out for the trash?

No. The Borough's trash company will not take them.  You must take them to the Dauphin County Recycling Center at 1625 S. Cameron St, Harrisburg.  Drop off is FREE!

 What are the outdoor burning regulations?

Chimineas and outdoor fireplaces are permitted but may only be fueled by wood, charcoal briquettes or LP/natural gas and must be screened to prevent flying embers and hot ash. These burning units must be at least 10 feet from all property lines and/or structures.  They must be attended at all times by an individual 14 years of age or older.  Burning may be conducted only between the hours of sunrise and 11:00 pm.  For complete details of the burning ordinance click here.

 Are the sidewalks and curbs in front of my house my responsibility to maintain?

Yes. They are to be maintained in good condition and free from safety hazards.  If portions of the sidewalk are heaved or broken, causing tripping points, these sections of sidewalk should be replaced.  Also, snow and ice are required to be removed from all sidewalks within 12 hours after a storm.

 Do I need a permit to install a fence?

Yes.  The Borough permits fences to be installed right up to the property line (as long as you know where that is). Fences may be a maximum height of 3.5 feet in the front yard and 6 feet in side and rear yards.  For a building permit application click here.

 Do I need a permit to place a shed on my property?

Yes. Sheds may be placed in side or rear yards only.  they must be at least 3 feet from any side or rear property line, 5 feet from any alley, and 10 feet from your house.  For a building permit application click here.

 If I have a tree between my curb and sidewalk, is it my responsibility to trim?

Yes. These trees are the property owner's responsibility and the Borough Ordinance requires them to be trimmed to a height of 8 feet over the sidewalk and 14 feet over any street or alley.

 What are the snow removal regulations?

The Borough has two ordinances regarding sidewalks and snow removal. Any violation of these ordinances will be subject to fines and penalties.

  1. Residents are required to clear snow from their sidewalks within 12 hours after the ending of snow, sleet or freezing rain.
  2. Residents are asked to not throw snow onto roadways, particularly after the plows have gone by.
For the complete ordinance click here.