Downtown Master Plan

Hummelstown Downtown Master Plan

The process to develop this plan began January 2015 at the Hummelstown Fire House. On that night an informational meeting was held about the proposed Hummelstown Downtown Master Plan Project. After that initial meeting there were three community meetings, numerous steering committee meetings and much discussion and deliberation.

This Plan has become the beginning of a very lengthy and important process to help guide the future of our wonderful community. This plan, while containing very important data, ideas and creative ways of looking at the future development of the Borough’s Downtown, is merely the first part of the journey; and as we have all heard, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. In order for this process to work, we will need interested business owners, residents, members of various community organizations and other interested parties to help move the ball forward. Please consider getting involved.  Any improvement effort needs volunteers and one of the best ways is to be part of the process.