Shade Tree Commission
261 Quarry Road P.O. Box 307
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Phone: (717) 566-2555
Fax: (717) 566-3324
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Phone: (717) 566-2555
Fax: (717) 566-3324
Hummelstown has a Shade Tree Commission. The Shade Tree Commission (STC) is responsible for the following:
1) Regulations of the Shade Tree Ordinance.
2) Oversee all Shade Tree Permits.
3) The organization of tree planting.
4) Preparing inventories all trees within the Borough right-of-way.
5) Organizes the annual Arbor Day Celebration.
Property owners must acquire a Shade Tree Permit before major maintenance or removal of trees within the Borough’s right-of-way. A permit application can be obtained at the Borough office or below. If the permit is granted it carries a condition that the tree be replaced within one year of removal. The STC also provides shade trees to Borough residents free of charge with an approved application. We are now taking applications for our spring 2023 planting.
Our little town has been a Tree City USA since 2006. This is a program sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation and promotes urban forests and their benefits. As part of this program, we have an annual Arbor Day celebration the end of April. This is usually held at one of our community parks and involves education as well as volunteer work. All are invited to attend.
Trees provide many benefits to our community. They can reduce energy costs by up to 25%. Just 3 well-spaced trees around each building in our country could save billions in energy costs. They also reduce storm water runoff and help control erosion. Not to mention the shelter they provide for our many songbirds. We have a great selection of trees suited for our urban environment. They are slow growing with smaller root systems than many traditional trees.
Help keep Hummelstown green and request a shade tree today! Deadline March 31st, of every year.
The Shade Tree Commission meets monthly on the 3rd Monday, at 5 pm.
Contact the STC at
Do you know the values of your Tree?
Click Here to Learn More: National Tree Benefit Calculator
Shade Tree Commission Members:
Lisa Mackley - Chairwoman
Michael Danilowicz
Peter Durantine
Lynn Patton
Elliot Shibley