General Information for the Borough
  • Hummelstown Borough encompasses approximately 1.3 square miles
  • There are approximately 14.35 miles of streets in Hummelstown.
  • The 2020 U.S. Census population count was 4535.
  • The Borough is part of the Lower Dauphin School District.
  • The borough property tax rate as of January 1, 2024, is 3.75 mils.
  • There are two voting districts.  Both districts vote at Lower Dauphin High School, 201 S Hanover Street.  Voter registration and absentee ballots can be obtained at the Borough office, or downloaded here: PA Voter Registration Application & PA Absentee Ballot Application.
  • Our State House of Representative is Tom Mehaffie.  Hummelstown is in the 106th District.
  • Our State Senator is John DiSanto. Hummelstown is in the 15th State Senate District.
  • Our U.S. Senators are Robert Casey and John Fetterman.
  • Our U.S. Congressional Representative is Scott Perry.
  • Open burning is not permitted within the Borough limits.
  • If you are planning a home improvement project, contact the Borough office to secure a building, zoning, electric, or plumbing permit prior to commencing work.
  • Skateboards are prohibited on all Borough streets, alleys and posted areas.
  • All solicitors or peddlers must obtain a transient retail merchant’s permit from the Police Department.